Chavininha's Friday Sessions

"... put some records on, and dance the Friday away ..."

1 - "You Wanted a Hit" - LCD Soundsystem
2 - "Acid" - Jockstrap
3 - "Call The Inside" - Degree
4 - "Black and White" - Paco Versailles
5 - "Black Qualls" - Thundercat
6 - "Stay Gold" - Black Pumas
7 - "Coming to the Nuisance" - Slow Dakota
8 - "The Ultracheese" - Arctic Monkeys
9 - "Running Red Lights" - The Avalanches feat. Rivers Cuomo and Pink Siifu
10 - "Start" - James Righton
11 - "L" - Laveda
12 - "The Pusher" - Deap Lips
13 - "Forty Days and Forty Nights" - The Blinders
14 - "Far Behind" - Sub Cultures
15 - "Caution" - The Killers

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