"... saying hello to another Friday like: "Hello Friday, let's dance!"..."1 - "Incognito" - Justice2 - "Shake A Little" - Casilian3 - "Funny" - Kai Bosch4 - "Pop Star" - Lime Garden5 - "Not Gonna Wait Around" - Whoa Sequoia6 - "The Word (DANCE)" - Pink Beds7 - "You Are The Wind" - Irish Basement8 - "God's Country" - Lambrini Girls9 - "What's Your Name" - Cloud Vincent10 - "Origami" - Limon Limon11 - "Release Myself" - Bess Atwell12 - "Don't Let' Em" - Sonic Saliva13 - "You Won't Understand" - Le Light14 - "Talk To Me" - Cultures15 - "A Dream Is All Know" - The Lemon TwigsSee You Around Next Week For More!
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